26. Januar 2021
Artificial stone wall in winter garden

Artificial Stone Wall In Winter Garden

In just 2 days, the conservatory was like new in Mediterranean style. The client has supported us actively and thus also accelerated the success.

Doors, windows, light outlets, sockets – many little things were integrated and thus a successful work.

Already 2 hours after completion the winter garden was ready for occupancy and the artificial stone wall Bari from piestone was – according to the client – as if the artificial stone wall had always been there.     Now this statement shows that the artificial stone wall in the conservatory was color-matched so that the colors were fully integrated and harmoniously blended into the space.

The artificial stone wall should not be a foreign body but full harmony in the conservatory should be achieved .

The customer made an appointment in our second exhibition area in the Hotel Almrausch in Bad Reichenhall . Pictures of the walls you can see if you look at the hotel times on the website. There you can see many areas and rooms that were designed with the artificial stone walls.  After coffee and a guided tour of the areas with artificial stone walls, we chose the artificial stone panel Bari.  A week later we sent the customer 2 samples free of charge and the decision for the artificial stone wall in the winter garden was made.

After that I visited the customer at home to measure the artificial stone wall in the winter garden and to make an exact offer. An exact offer at GEWENA means that the offer is a fixed price including all costs.  Because the experience with the installation of artificial stone walls benefits already more than 20 years .

Accept the offer and we will install the artificial stone wall in the winter garden with a fixed price.

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