7. Mai 2021
200sqm brick slips

200 sqm brick slips

200 sqm brick slips, Gewena can do that too!

Our highest construction site: Lindt & Sprüngli chocolate store on the Jungfraujoch in Switzerland. The chocolate experience store on the Jungfraujoch at 3454 meters above sea level is the first and only store of its kind to date. It is not only located at a lofty height, but is also situated in the middle of the „Sphinx“ mountain massif in an extremely spectacular location. Every year about 800000 visitors come to this place. We were commissioned here by a renowned Swiss shopfitting company. The biggest challenge with this order was the logistics. The goods had to be transported up the mountain by freight gondola. In addition, working conditions at this altitude of 3454 meters above sea level were difficult. The work rate at this altitude is approximately 70-75%. Approximately 200 square meters of bricks were used in this project. The real fire bricks were manufactured in Italy. Despite all handicaps this order was a great success.
If you visit this store sometime: have a look at the wall cladding of Gewena! It is really well done and impressive. At this sea level, you never expected a brick facade of this dimension in your life.

How do the bricks get on the wall?

Contrary to Gewena’s brick panels, the single brick slips – as the name suggests – have to be applied individually to the wall or support plate.
This is, of course, much more labor-intensive, as the bricks also have to be grouted.
You can also find more about our products here: https://www.piestone.de

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